No ocurre a menudo,pero para los días en que todos los niños están descansando a la vez, merece la pena hacer una carpeta de desarrollo profesional con artículos y recursos en los que te gustaría invertir tiempo pero que no son urgentes. Tu carpeta de desarrollo profesional puede servirte a ti y a los miembros de tu personal para encontrar información relevante. También puede merecer la pena incluir algunas páginas en blanco después de cada artículo para utilizarlas para tu reflexión o comunicación o la de tu personal.


No necesitas mucho para empezar, sólo acceso a una impresora y una carpeta de tres anillas, y lápices o rotuladores fluorescentes para tus propias notas. Como alternativa, puedes crear un documento digital compartido utilizando Google Drive (¡gratis!) o cualquier otro software de procesamiento de textos con conexión a Internet. Asegúrate de conseguir la participación del personal proporcionándoles artículos sobre temas en los que hayan expresado interés e invítales también a añadir recursos. Por supuesto, los artículos de Town Square están aquí para apoyarte, pero aquí tienes más recursos estupendos:

Recursos | Ooey Gooey

Temas: Juegos Comunitarios

Blog del profesor Tom

Playvolution HQ | Crear y conservar recursos de aprendizaje temprano

Everyday Education – Asociación Nacional de Patrocinadores del CACFP (¡recursos sobre alergias alimentarias, nutrición y seguridad!)

Inicio – Janet Lansbury

un consumidor crítico:

Cuando leas, hazte las siguientes preguntas:

Give families a snap shot of their child’s day in care! Prints two sheets per page.


TS Daily Communication sheet

Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA), the state affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), serves and engages the early childhood workforce and supports early care and education in Wisconsin. WECA provides professional development guidance and case management in the form of academic, non-academic, and career counseling to requested YoungStar participating programs.


The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning provides resources for parents, teachers, and providers with the goal to improve the social and emotional outcomes of young children. The resources include trainings and modules as well as resources specific for teachers and caregivers to download, all geared to help adults meet the social and emotional needs of young children.


This guide offers much of the information you will need to get started in your family child care business in Illinois.  There are sections about planning for your business, preparing your home, creating a contract, planning meals, and much more.  This overview of the process is a helpful resource for understanding the steps in becoming a licensed family child care home.

Illnois Child Care Guide for Family Home Providers

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Town Square has joined Myrtle’s Club as a resource to support child care providers.

“Myrtle’s Club™ was designed to support child care providers by making available high quality training opportunities on topics ranging from curriculum to business basics, services that support the business side of child care, and to increase the purchasing power for our providers. By assisting child care providers in this way, the YWCA is helping support providers on the path to improving quality and educational programs for their students.”

As a provider who is a member of the Myrtle’s Club network, you can access training, professional development, business support services, as well as materials and resources that help you maintain your licensing and enhance your work at a discount.  Check out what is available and the membership levels at: YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago: Myrtle’s Club.

Activities: family child care focused activities that support the development of children in multiple learning domains.

Business: tips and resources that will help you run your small business.

Learning: tips, resources, research, articles, and more on how to support young children’s learning.

Perspective: blogs, resources, and ideas from your fellow family child care providers.

Wellness: tips, resources, articles and more about health and wellness in children as well as providers.

To discover more about these topics click on these areas under the Discover Tab.

Start Early‘s goal is to promote high quality early childhood experiences for all young children, particularly those who are born into poverty. They offer resources and programs based upon the latest research and theories in child development. They partner with many advocacy organizations and offer publications, videos, and tools for families and professionals related to advocacy.


Town Square Research to Practice Statements offer information from theory and research with examples and suggestions for what it means in your work with children.  This series of position statements includes topics such as the benefits of a home-like environment, the power of open-ended materials, and the benefits of incorporating the arts.

Town Square Research to Practice: Using Technology as a Tool to Support Learning and Development