A medida que el tiempo se calienta, es importante ser consciente de cómo mantener a los niños (¡y a nosotros mismos!) a salvo del calor y la humedad. Cuando el índice de calor (“sensación térmica”) supera los 90° F, los niños son especialmente vulnerables a las afecciones relacionadas con el calor. Este gráfico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional muestra cómo se calcula el índice de calor y cuándo las temperaturas se vuelven peligrosas.

Algunas formas de mantener seguros a los niños cuando hace calor (consejos de los CDC y HealthyChildren.org):


470 IAC 3-1.1-39 Swimming

470 IAC 3-1.1-45 General Environment

470 IAC 3-1.1-46 Fire Prevention

470 IAC 3-1.1-47 Sanitation

470 IAC 3-1.1-48 Safety


  1. Pools – must be enclosed by a fence and have a lock (combination or key) on the gate.
  2. Shall not have loose handrails, torn screens, or open windows without screens. Fan blades shall not be accessible to children.
  3. Home is equipped with heat (when needed), lights, and ventilation
  4. Kitchen is equipped with stove, oven, or microwave, a refrigerator, and a sink with hot and cold water in the kitchen area
  5. Children shall not be cared for in a basement that does not have a direct exit to the outside.
  6. Exits shall not be blocked.
  7. Shall not have any gas leaks.
  8. Poisonous or hazardous materials shall not be in the reach of children.
  9. Tools shall not be within children’s reach.
  10. Firearms shall be kept in a locked area that is inaccessible to children.
  11. Drug use or paraphernalia is prohibited in the child care home when child care is being provided.
  12. Smoking is prohibited in the child care home or play area during the time children are in attendance. Ashtrays with cigarettes and/or ashes shall not be accessible to children.
  13. Alcohol use is prohibited in the child care home when child care is being provided.

Shall not be structural damage to the home.