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Category: Provider Voices

Provider Blog: Building Bridges

Provider Stephanie McKinstry’s preschoolers arrived one day to a challenge: could they build bridges for bears to cross? How about a bridge big and strong enough for all of their bears to stand on at once?

The children got to work constructing their bridges from cups and popsicle sticks, arranging different shapes and patterns.

During construction, some bridge builders sang variations of “Going on a Bear Hunt”, like “Going on a Fish Hunt” because they knew that’s what bears like to eat!

If you want to do this in your own home, you’ll just need the following:

(if you don’t have counting bears, you can use buttons, game pieces, pompoms– really anything that isn’t too tricky to balance!)

Indiana providers: can you spot the Indiana Early Learning Standards being addressed with this activity?


Photos and idea by Stephanie McKinstry of Caterpillar Clubhouse Nature Preschool

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