Getting your found treasures ready for little hands.
Ok, you have made it to the resale shop or garage sale and purchased a few boxes of toys; you got them home and discovered several of the toys don’t work or are on the recall list. Every resale buyer should have a supply bag at-the-ready to take on resale shopping trips. The bag should contain disposable or washable gloves, batteries (at least 8 of each size AA, AAA, C & D) screwdrivers, (Phillips Head, Slot Head, Allen Wrench) in varied sizes. You will need your smartphone with Internet access to check for recalled toys and equipment before you buy them.
When you get the toys and equipment home, it’s time to “love on them.” Loving on your toys and equipment is another way of saying clean them. My new purchases go from my car to the garage where I use a bucket filled with a mixture of Dawn and hot water. I use a second bucket filled with clear water to rinse them. The last step includes the use of a spray bottle filled with bleach and water. It is important to inspect all toys and equipment before you purchase them, but if you find sharp edges or missing pieces once you get them home, toss them in the garbage. The harm that could come to the children is not worth keeping the damaged item. Place the toys on a clean, dry towel and allow them to air dry before bring them into the house. Loving on your toys and equipment should happen often and not only when you have purchased previously owned toys. Toys that are mouthed should be gathered for cleaning as soon as the child puts them down. Your other toys should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week. Happy shopping!
Recalled toys
Types of screwdrivers types images
Cleaning and Sanitizing: What’s the difference and how are they done?
Searching for good secondhand supplies and toys?
Finding and reusing safe, quality toys, and equipment can be easy if you know where to look. When I started my Family Childcare business 22 years ago, I used some of the toys I had purchased over the years for my sons. The toys were not on a recall list; I checked, and they were in perfect condition. I don’t remember what drew me to my first resale shop, but once I went, I fell in love. I was able to find good quality toys and equipment that others could no longer use. The resale shop locations came from the phone book, newspapers, word-of-mouth, and later, the Internet. My search for toys and equipment started with local resale shops. As I got more comfortable with the process, I ventured out to locations miles and miles away from home. The more you visit these sites, you will begin to learn what days toys and equipment come in, is sorted, marked, displayed, and further discounted. While searching the newspapers for resale shops, I saw an ad for a neighborhood garage sale, and that ad specifically mentioned “toys.” I couldn’t believe how many good; quality toys were available for purchase. You have to plan and be at locations early to get the best selection.