Best for infants around 1 mo. Infant should be lying in front of you. Hold your index fingers up to the infants fingers touch gently until they grasps each finger firmly. Gently pull baby forward and watch baby hold on tight, straighten arms and begin to sit forward. Smile and say things like, “look how strong you are”!
Goal: Supports the development of muscle and vision as baby focuses on your voice and face while using their arm and hand muscles.
Hide a toy under a small blanket or hand towel. Show the baby how it seems to disappear and re-appear when you pull the blanket off. Repeat several times asking the baby “where did it go?” “There it is!” As the infant develops the capacity for understanding that objects exist even when they cannot see them (object permanence) they will more actively search for objects.
Goal: The infant and caregiver will practice a back and forth exchange which is important for language development and for building positive relationships.
Sit at a table, hold the baby in your arms in front of you, resting your elbows on the table. Tilt baby up at an angle so you are face to face with the baby. Gently, slowly rock and sing or hum to get babies attention. When baby is looking at you, speak to baby looking straight into baby’s eyes. Gently lower baby on his/her back and repeat.
Goal: Babies focus on the face and voice and build their neck muscles, which helps them hold their head up.