Town Square has professional development that aligns with the Environment Management content area of the IL Gateways FCC Credential and ExceleRate.  Additional PD is offered in the content areas of Technology and Human Growth and Development.  This handout shows the grouping of modules and webinars that together equal credit toward the credential, but can be used for clock hours if completed separately. See all of the PD available on Town Square on the Grow page.

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Town Square PD-Credential Alignment


This website provides coursework for infant-toddler careers as well as for trainers, administrators, and leaders. There are links to trainings and tutorials that allow you to earn clock hours, CEUs and credit hours. Early Educator Central is administered and funded by the US Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Head Start and Office of Child Care.

For more info click here

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Professionalism refers to having the knowledge, skills, and qualities that are expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. In the recent past early childhood education has made great advancements in this regard and taken its place in the field of education.  Family child care is also being taken more seriously as a quality choice for early care and education. FCC providers are now being considered professionals and educators. Therefore numerous choices for learning and improving skills as a FCC professional are becoming available.