Establecer claramente sus políticas y aplicarlas es útil para las familias, para usted como profesional y para mantener las condiciones necesarias para la licencia y el cuidado de alta calidad.

Este recurso de Town Square fue creado con la ayuda de profesionales del cuidado infantil familiar que compartieron lo que consideraron necesario en el contrato.

Ya sea que usted esté comenzando su programa o sea un veterano, este recurso puede ayudarlo a revisar y pensar más en su contrato.

Hoja de consejos de Town Square – Lo que debes incluir en tu contrato


Clearly defining your policies and following through on them is helpful for families, for you as a professional, and to maintain the standards needed for licensing and high-quality care.

This Town Square resource was created with the help of family child care professionals who shared what they thought was necessary to include in a contract.

Whether you are just starting your program or a veteran, this resource can help you review and think more about your contract!

Town Square Tip Sheet -Things to Include in Your Contract


We asked family child care professionals what types of things they thought were most important to include in their contract and put together this tip sheet:

Top 5 Things to Include in Your Contract

Clearly defining your policies and following through on them is helpful for parents, for you as a professional, and also for maintaining the standards needed for licensing and high quality care.

Take some time to review and revise your program’s contract today!