Taking time to write down observations about children as they accomplish new tasks, meet new challenges, or try new activities, is one way to understand an individual child’s development and contribute to your curriculum planning. Assessments can be completed by creating portfolios of children’s work through photographs, written observations, or collections of their mark making and artwork. Assessing children’s progress can help providers understand how best to support children and in what areas they may need more assistance. Using observation and assessment to inform your curriculum is one way to ensure that children will remain engaged in the activities you plan. When activities are too easy or difficult, it is much more likely that children will “act out” by misusing materials or finding distractions.

Sharing your observations of children with families is one way to build professional relationships and demonstrate professional knowledge. Partnering with families and inviting them to share their observations of their children will help them feel valued and understood.

Explore different strategies and approaches to assessment in this virtual training for family childcare providers. Develop an understanding of the different types of documentation, then explore strategies for documenting children’s behaviors, skills, and interests, and finally develop a plan for using documentation to communicate with families.


Town Square Indiana modules can be found in Indiana Learning Paths. Please follow the link below to log into your I-lead account and click on “Start Your Indiana Learning Path”. Once in Indiana Learning Paths please search for:

Town Square – Strategies and approaches to assessment