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Categoría: Aprendiendo

Using Technology in a Meaningful Way

El vídeo anterior se ha creado como herramienta de aprendizaje autoguiado para usted. Primero, vea el vídeo. A continuación, aparecerán una serie de preguntas. Considere estas preguntas y vuelva a ver el vídeo. Después de ver el vídeo por segunda vez, haga clic para revelar las respuestas a cada una de las preguntas y averiguar si ha identificado los puntos clave.

How is the provider using technology in a meaningful way?

She is using it to support conversation about a field trip by looking back at the photos from the trip with the children.  She asks questions about the trip and uses the photos as a tool to help the children remember the experience and talk about it.

What is the provider modeling for the children?

She is modeling using technology as a tool for supporting memory and to create a personal connection.  She deliberately models how to scroll through the photos on the screen and allows the children to try it.

Filmed in a family child care home.

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