Supporting a calm pick up time
El vídeo anterior se ha creado como herramienta de aprendizaje autoguiado para usted. Primero, vea el vídeo. A continuación, aparecerán una serie de preguntas. Considere estas preguntas y vuelva a ver el vídeo. Después de ver el vídeo por segunda vez, haga clic para revelar las respuestas a cada una de las preguntas y averiguar si ha identificado los puntos clave.
How is the transition routine structured to support this individual child?
It incorporates a calming activity, looking at books, to help direct the child toward being calm through the transition as he had previously struggled with yelling and running at this time. The books are placed right by where the child waits so he can easily access them, and there are several books to choose from, so he still has some autonomy in the activity which is important for toddlers.
How does the provider support the child with learning this new routine for his pick-up transition?
She uses words to keep him on task and redirect him back to the books, and she helps him select a specific book that she believes he will enjoy.
Filmed in a license-exempt family, friend and neighbor care home.