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Category: Provider Voices

Provider Blog — Self Portraits: Outside!

Self Portraits: Outside!

Bring the mirrors outdoors and enjoy this simple and rewarding activity! During the early years, children are enamored with their own reflections. Providing this opportunity to study themselves, and create art, encompasses many different skill sets for young children.


Infants: Infants will enjoy simply looking at themselves in a mirror. Offer a hand mirror on a blanket where they can gaze and practice tummy time!


Toddlers: Help toddlers label their own features in the mirror. Encourage them to explore different art materials without concern about the final product. Focus on correctly holding utensils (pencil between fore finger and thumb).


Older Toddlers: Encourage older toddlers to recognize simple shapes in their features and transcribe those shapes on their drawing. Encourage correct handling of utensils, and help children write their names.


Pre-K: Encourage children to write their names and label their features when finished with their portraits.


Have you tried self portraits in your program?  Have a fun activity?  Share it with us

Created by Ashley Hugues Family Child Care Professional and owner of Roots Nature School in Fillmore, Indiana

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