Keeping track of the required Illinois DCFS forms can help your business run more smoothly and make maintaining your license easier. The following are forms that you are most likely to use in your licensed family child care home. Always be sure to check the DCFS website under Forms for the most updated version of the forms.
These forms are likely the ones that you will need when new families are starting in your family child care home:
CFS 428 Application/Record of Child Information
CFS 600 Certificate of Child Health Examination
CFS 593 Consents to Day Care Providers
Depending upon the type of licensing your home has you will also need one of the following summaries. Parents should receive a copy and sign the verification of receipt of the summary.
CFS 1050-51 Summary of Licensing Standards for Day Care Homes
CFS 1050-53 Summary of Licensing Standards for Group Day Care Homes
You may need to use the following form if you have an assistant who works in your family child care business or for other adults in your home:
CFS 602 Medical Report on an Adult in a Child Care Facility
*Note that this form was updated March 2016.
Be sure to check the policy section of the DCFS website for any new policy updates. New for 2016 include changes regarding food handling training and staff immunizations.