Communication is an important part of any business. When a business succeeds it is due to communication and recognition. In child care communication is one of the most important parts of a professional day care. Keeping parents involved with their children’s progress or recession is important also. A successful business will help sustain the business for future endeavors.
Communication is important especially when there is very little time for face to face conversations. It is important to make sure all parties are on the same page therefore as great as a face to face conversation may be, it is not always possible. Finding ways to communicate through different means is necessary. There are many ways to communicate without speaking directly to a person. Some effective ways to communicate would be to have weekly newsletters or posting on the bulletin board to let parents know what is going on. Personal issues can be discussed through a journal or personal notes that can be sent home and returned for conversations. Holding parent teacher conferences or open houses is a great way to involve parents in their child’s learning. Putting plans and ideas together to help parents in decision making about their child’s experiences will allow parents to still feel that they are part of their child’s learning process.
Businesses secede through community support. When a reputation of a business is positive it is more likely the community will recommend the business to others. Word of mouth and promoting a business will help a business get recognition and good business with positive feedback will survive.
Children grow in different ways and parents will sometimes miss progressions of their child’s growth. Keeping track on a child’s progress or regressions will help the provider and parents find a learning path to help keep their child success. Documentation is important when working with children. Keeping art work and even video’s will help show progress when placed with past and present documentation. Learning what to expect with each growing step and documenting by making quick notes or recorded messages will make documentation easier for the provider and will show evidence of the child’s growth.
In the child care field a lot of the review in this module is already set in place with my business. I have been a successful business for 20 years now and have a great reputation.