This professional development was very informative. It helped me to consider the ways that I am and am not using technology in my program currently. The suggestions given were very fun and new to me. The resources that supported this training gave food for thought and also allowed me to step outside of the box. I like the lighted box demonstration; it will really intrigue my 2- 4 year old age group. I also understood what was meant by setting rules for technology use, especially online. I care for a child with cerebral palsy, and although I have experience in the field I am in an entirely different realm. I am on the care giver end. This is the parents first and only child, and we are learning together. The info on the website with assistive technology ideas and suggestions will be very helpful to us both.
I enjoyed this course! It gave me ideas and insight on my program in a way I never looked at. I cannot wait to use what I learned in my program.