This was a terrific module. I have learned that natural colors and furnishings are what works best for a home’s look and feel. I used to have pale yellow walls and although the color was not too bad, I saw that the kids were a little more ‘active’ and I didn’t know why. I have since changed the color of my walls to a natural medium blue and it seems to be more calming. I got rid of a lot of plastic bins and am using natural baskets for many of the supplies that the kids use on a daily basis. I will try to use a smaller condensed file system, although, I find my file cabinet very useful. I have to go through each folder and see what I truly must keep and what I can afford to throw out. It will be hard because I feel that “you’ll never know when you might need it” concept. I think if I have not used it in over 2 years, then I must not need it. I will try, though!