This module was full of good resources and ideas. I liked all of the pictures of storage ideas. Storage and organization are very important in my FCC. Good storage will look better and will help children to access materials.
I enjoyed the resource on sensory bottles. I have made a number of sensory bottles but I got some great tips for additional bottles. I look forward to making more sensory bottles soon. The tip about using Gatorade materials was a good one. I have a lot of plastic storage containers. After looking at all of the pictures I want to work on using softer or more natural things to store materials in. I got ideas for all areas of my home.
The modules mentioned borrowing materials. That reminded me that I use to borrow materials and use the die cut machine frequently at our local CCRRA but it closed that is not another one nearby. I really miss them. The ideas of sharing materials with other providers is interesting. I belong to a FCC association. The association might be interested in sharing materials with members. If we do it part of the association we can make it like a lending library.
The article on dirt was very eye opening. It gave me another view of dirt! Spending more time outside in cold weather and playing in dirt/getting messy are things I plan to do more of. Because I know now that it is healthy to get dirty. The article on outdoor play said to set-up outdoor space like indoor space. I never thought of it that way. I saw indoor and outdoor spaces as very different. But that makes a lot of sense.
I was fascinated by all of the things that being outdoors helps with. I know about some of the benefits of fresh air. But I learned that being outside helps with creativity and imagination, social interactions, making decisions and solving problems. Not being outside can lead to depression and obesity and attention disorders.
I plan to go to discount stores to purchase more real household materials for children. I do plan on weeding out some of my current materials. I loved the phrase, “less is more” I plan on repeating that phrase as I clean out, “less is more”. I know that sorting through my materials will take a lot of time and it won’t all happen in one day but I will keep working on it.
There are so many things to consider when choosing materials. Safety is always the first thing that I think about. Quality is another thing to think about. High quality materials that will last and are safe are important.
Overtime I plan on incorporating many of the ideas from this module!