I was overjoyed to tap into how much creativity was put in managing your materials and space. This module really opened my eyes to a wide array of new and innovative thing I could incorporate within my facility in order to capture and keep the kids engaged. I love the comment about how”Most great learning happens in Groups… That is a true fact as I am currently a par of a Cohort called Taking The Lead and YE I have learned a lot from my Cohort Peers. From team work to shared and personal experiences it has been an enriched experience thus far.
This hold true for the quality of service I provide to the children and families I serve each day. The connection that forms when the little ones are engaged in a particular group activity is endless. The observations I’ve made have created not only lasting memories but experiences that the kids will always cherish. Some things foster intentional as well as non intended learning experiences.
Scaffolding in this sense was a plus and the , various developmental domains were consistently met and exploration when it came to sensory/nature especially for the infants in my care.