I’ve learned that it is important to organize space that is appropriate for children’s learning and exploring. I have to keep in mind the health and safety of the children and ensure the I consider developmentally appropriate practices and the children have materials and activities that help learning across all domains.
I have to keep in mind the supervision aspect of the environment, make sure there’s an emergency plan in place and complete in overall inspection of the childcare space prior to children arriving including checking the electrical cords and outlets, all exits and windows, kitchen and bathrooms and diapering areas, sleeping areas and don’t forget to check the outdoor play area as well.
I must also consider the health aspect of providing quality care by make sure I offer proper nutrition in being safe with food preparation, offering healthy meals and snacks and keeping prep areas cleaned and sanitized to reduce risk of contracted diseases.
Also learned to keep in mind developmentally appropriate practices by having enough materials to engage all children in ways that are consistent with or match their abilities and offer cultural diversity.