My reflection about his module is that I had heard most of this before in my college courses. The one thing that was new to me related to anti-bias drawing using a stick figure with a heart in read. The phrase head, hear, and hands was represented. This phrase is new to me but I feel it reminded me of a college professor that stated the learning must be in the hands in order for it to get into the head.
I enjoyed some of the ideas to support cultures in my child care. For example, menus written in different languages or showing different people from different cultures. This will be done soon in my child care. I also enjoyed having parents sing, read, or participate in the child care to represent their own cultures. My past clients have done this especially when they have gone to the military. I received CD’s to play of the parent reading to their child and then we shared them with the group. We have made clothes especially to represent their cultures as well. Something new for me was having books in the cultures represented in care. I will be asking my parents every January about their traditions from now on. This made so much sense and it was fresh on their minds. This give you a lot of material to work on through your curriculum. The other item that struck me was that Providers are equal learners. I never gave this much thought but will be doing this now. I can see and understand where a child would be able to ask questions or make statements that the provider could extend on or research more deeply with the children. The biggest idea was the about intentionality. Providers must be intentional with each child’s interest and abilities. This allows for a deep learning experience for all children not just one. Within the curriculum you should be able to think of each child’s need and incorporate their needs at that time.
The dual language learning was good information. I did not realize that you let the children speak their home language first and you try to understand the request vs teaching them English so they can communicate with me. I found this interesting. I guess I will have to find a translating book or CD when this situation presents itself again.