My take away is that family child care is so flexible and the best environment to have a child each day.
It is so important to recognize that each child has a personality or temperament that may clash with our own but knowing child development it helps us to still work with this child because we are equipped with knowledge that allows us to meet the child where they are. Children are born ready for social interactions, we need to support this through our environment and plans for each day. We also need to make sure to make it cultural relevant to each child. There is a broad range of norms within development and just because development is at a particular age does not mean we will not witness that same development at or within a different age group. We need to offer hands on and active experiences so children can construct their own knowledge. Identity develops over a life time and cognitive and linguistic capabilities influence the development of the identity.
As a provider (educator) we need to really know child development and each child’s development in our care. Through careful observations we learn how best to meet each child’s need and offer the appropriate activities within our environments. It is important to communicate with the parent for support and the sharing of knowledge related to their child. With this relationship intact you can meet and develop the child together.