In my child care I have a writing/coloring desk. The children are free to make this choice through out the day. If they draw a picture I try to dictate a story for them with their permission only. We want our family to understand what they were thinking about.
I have pictures posted showing children like them doing things that they do such as eating, babies, grandparents, cooking, etc. We make art collages and hang them up.
We have a reading area for our favorite books and Ms. Jan has books that are her favorites to read to the children daily. We read at least five books each day to the children and we read when they bring books to us through out the day. It is especially nice when it is a one on one reading time.
We have a science area that children access daily. It has timers, prisms, scales, pine cones, stones, sensory bottles with things like feathers, thumb tacks, nails, etc. We have a mirror close to this area as well. They dress up and look at themselves. We have a block area with many kinds to explore. One of our favorites is magnetic tiles and hallow blocks. These are the most fascinating for the children to explore with.
We have puppets and a puppet stage available for the children to create their own stories. It is fun to make a play and some of the children is the audience. I feel my area allows children to explore, express, and communicate through out the whole day with each other or by themselves.