I reflected upon how I work with my children and discovered that I don’t play as much as I should with them. I do model behavior but never thought much about modeling play. It became clear that I must set out my loose pieces again and show my staff that they must supervise these children closely. Our younger 1 and 2 year olds must not get these items in their mouths. Scaffolding is my favorite thing to do. It is why I am a group home. I believe that younger children need older children to bring up their learning and skills. I also believe that older children need younger children to support confidence and shared knowledge. It is a respectful relationship. Providers must be a model playing and ask open ended questions to extend learning and play. It is important to have loose pieces for the children to develop imagination play. This is the toughest thing for me because of the mixed ages. I do separate the children while the loose pieces are out. I can’t imagine how others do this kind of play. To me it is the one most difficult thing to watch and play all at the same time.